The name given to the tight trousers worn by some Regency gentlemen, such as the notorious Beau Brummell and his ‘dandy’ followers, as they showed off their leg muscles.
Our gift shop sells a wide selection of books, gifts and toys to suit all ages and pockets. Most of our stuff is on the themes of Victorians, local interest, Wales and nature. We’re particularly fond of our range of cards from our former Artists in Residence, who have created stunning images ofour period rooms.
We’ve got a great range of colourful marbles and all sorts of traditional toys too – always keen to encourage the old-fashioned ways here!
Sorry, we do not have an internet facility for buying stuff yet, but if you contact us we will happily discuss what we offer and mail orders to you.
Here’s a few taster pictures to give you an idea of what you can find with us